When the Covid shutdown happened I knew I could come out the other side fatter and sicker or I could focus on Me and get healthy. I was regularly seeing a cardiologist, a rheumatologist, and other specialists, I was sick and miserable, So I started reading about nutrition, not dieting but nutrition, I studied the microbiome and received several certifications and a diploma in nutrition and Nutritional Coaching. I learned A Lot about how not to diet, I learned that diets don't work, if they did everyone would be a reasonable weight. I learned about the myths of dieting.
The secret to sustainable weight loss?
Fresh Air
Fresh Fruit
Fresh Vegetables
And read about the Microbiome. Fascinating stuff! Eat to feed the Biome, because it's the Biome that feeds us.
I do what I call Healthy Lifestyle Hypnosis, it's learning about Nutritional Simplicity and living a balanced life, that beautiful, delicate Mind-Body-Soul balance.
I lost over 60 pounds and I've maintained that for three years.
I don't sell any products, I just offer a common sense solution for sustainable health.
I'm here to help, call or text anytime.
#lifebalancepathways #joyyanes #weightloss #nutrition #nutritionalsimplicity #balancedlife #microbiome
